Start a Chapter
Five Chapters of Delta Sigma Chi currently are active at five of the Chiropractic Colleges Universities. There are many advantages of having a chapter available as a student. The definition of “Who We Are” and where we are Going” is on the home page of our website as the Mission and Values of our organization.
Brothers of Delta Sigma Chi have been in leadership positions in chiropractic since 1913. Brotherhood will be a lifetime bond you will share throughout your entire career. Be a part of something bigger than any of us can individually, create a chapter of Delta Sigma Chi.
If you are interested in developing leadership for the future of the chiropractic profession and offering service and support to the founding principles of our profession, we will help you create a Chapter at your school.
If this interests you please fill out the
Chapter Requirements
- An application and names of three (3) or more proposed Charter members (with an initiation fee for each) name shall be presented at the next regular meeting of the Grand Council. Charters shall be granted with a unanimous vote of the Council.
- Should application of a new Charter be refused, application may again be made at the expiration of thirty days (30) after notification.
- The Grand Council shall provide organizational documents to the Chapter including but not limited to the Delta Sigma Chi International Fraternity Bylaws and the Orientation and Initiation Procedures and Guidelines.
- Chapters shall have Chapter Bylaws with no conflicts with the Bylaws, obligations, secret work, or Initiation Procedures and Guidelines of the Delta Sigma Chi Fraternity.
- Chapters shall provide the Chair of the Membership Committee for Grand Council approval, all forms, rules, Bylaws and ceremonies used.
Chapter Responsibilities
- Chapters must have at least three (3) active chapter members.
- Chapters shall establish local Chapter dues and initiation fees.
- Chapters shall have a graduate advisor who shall be active member of the Delta Sigma Chi International Fraternity appointed by the Chair of Membership Committee.
- Chapter Secretaries shall forward to the chair of the Membership Committee within thirty-days (30) of initiation, the name, initiation date, expected graduation date, cell phone number and email address of all new members, each name to be accompanied by a fee established by the Grand Council.
- Chapter Treasurer shall assess, collect annually from each Active Brother, and forward to the Grand Council Treasurer in January of each year the sum of twenty dollars ($20.00) dues payment for each Active Brother.
- Chapters shall forward to the Chair of the Membership Committee of the Grand Council each three (3) months a resume of their Chapters' activities to be reported to the Grand Council and in the Fraternity’s Quarterly Newsletter.
- Chapters shall issue to newly initiated brothers an official Fraternity membership certificate. This certificate shall bear the name of the Chapter, the Delta Sigma Chi Fraternity Coat-of-Arms and shall be signed by the Grand Council President and Chapter President.
- Chapters shall purchase all Fraternity jewelry, recognition pins, emblems, insignia, etc., from the official fraternity jeweler designated by the Grand Council. No other dies shall be made, except as authorized by the Grand Council.