Brotherhood After Graduation
The transition from Student Brother to Active Member in the DSCICF is one of great excitement, anticipation, accomplishment and growth. Through years of dedication, study, and effort you have arrived at the beginning of the rest of your life.
What does the picture of your life look like that you are creating?
What is the next step in your journey?
Where will you practice?
Will you open on your own or associate in a successful practice?
Will academics or research be your calling?
And, if so, what institution would be your choice?
Regardless of your calling or you service to chiropractic, you will remain a brother of Delta Sigma Chi with the rights and privileges being a part of our fraternity offer you. It will be up to you to continue to participate in the activities of the homecoming festivities of your college or university and to be a part of the regional gatherings and a part of the representative assembly or one of the officers and directors of the Grand Council.
Whatever calls to you and whatever your future holds you will always be a brother of Delta Sigma Chi. Take pride in your future, we are thrilled to have you as one of us.
One year before graduation begin considering what your next step will be.
Each individual has his own journey. That journey need not be traveled alone.
There is a vast array of guidance, wisdom and mentoring available to you. Visit various regional gatherings, contact Assembly Representatives for states in which you are considering practicing, and begin building relationships with Alumni who are living lives consistent with who you are and what you value.
By taking advantage of these available opportunities, you will be giving yourself great advantages in your current and future success.
One month before your graduation, your chapter secretary will send your name to the Grand Council for recommendation to become an Active Member of the Delta Sigma Chi International.
This is a vital and necessary step in your transitioning from Student Brother to Active Member of the DSCI and joining the ranks of the International Brotherhood.
The Grand Council will vote to accept your nomination at their next meeting.
If, for any reason you are not accepted, you will be notified by the Secretary of the GC, given specific information on what is necessary for your nomination to be accepted, and what the protocol and process entails.
Within one week of graduation, add your name, address, and pertinent information in the “Alumni Database” for your (alumni) chapter, and delete your name in the student chapter tab.
Once your nomination has been accepted and passed by a vote of the Grand Council, you will be contacted by the chair of the Membership Committee with pertinent information, opportunities available to you, questions regarding how the DSCI can support you, and information on how to become an Active Member, including information for first year graduate dues to the DSCI.
Your participation in the fraternity will be regional. There will be positions available for you to continue leadership or simply participate in the Regional Gatherings. From the Bylaws
Article V: Representative Assembly
A Representative Assembly shall consist of Chapter Presidents and Delegates, Regional Representatives and State and Provincial Representatives at the Annual Convention of Members
Section 1: Chapter Presidents and Delegates
- Chapter Presidents shall attend the Annual Convention as the official representative of their Chapter with the designation of Student Member and shall represent the interests of their Chapter to the Grand Council
- Each Chapter may send one Delegate to the annual meeting for each ten active members or major fraction thereof, and each delegate shall have one vote.
Section 2: Regional Representatives
- There shall be one representative for the Northeast, Southeast, Upper Midwest, Lower Midwest, Southwest and Northwest Regions of the United States.
- There shall be one representative for the Eastern and Western Regions of Canada.
- There shall be one representative each for Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Latin America and South American Regions.
- Regional representatives shall report on activities or any concerns or opportunities from their region to the Vice President and at the Annual Convention.
- Regional Representatives shall attend the Annual Meeting and host at least one Regional Gathering each year.
Section 3: State and Provincial Representatives
- There shall be one representative for each of the United States and for each of the Canadian Provinces who shall be recognized at the annual meeting and shall report any concerns or opportunities to their respective Regional Representative.
- And shall help coordinate regional gatherings with the Regional Representative
No matter where the man is initiated, he repeats the same Oath of Allegiance, he learns the same Material and goes through the same Ceremonies.
These principles are exemplified in our daily lives.
We hope that you will strive, in all ways, to transmit the Fraternity; and the pure principles of Chiropractic; to those who follow after; not only not less; but greater than it was transmitted to you.
Delta Sigma Chi is not a four or five year experience, IT’S A BROTHERHOOD FOR LIFE! Now that you join the ranks of practicing chiropractors, you will be challenged personally and professionally. It is to that end that we ask you to remember to rely on the great principles of Chiropractic and of our Noble Organization and strive to grow in your life to reflect the ideals of this great Fraternity.
Uphold the honor and dignity of Delta Sigma Chi everywhere and at all times. We ask that each of us leave an inspiration to those who will carry on the sacred ideals of our Fraternity. Embody the Code of Conduct and make it a part of you:
9 Points of Character
Test of a Man
The Oath
Who We Are
What We Value
As you give, so shall you gain. As you render service, so shall you profit. Our principles and objectives are yours. As you exemplify them, so will you derive the benefit of Fraternalism.