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History of Omega Chapter

Jack M. Bourla
Brother Chime
Omega 1

On March 16-19, 2017 Delta Sigma Chi witnessed 3 of the initial Pledges undergoing a process that would ultimately lead to a new Chapter: Omega!

The brotherhood believed it would benefit from those who had already graduated, had experienced life as a DC and whose values remained consistent with that of the Delta Sigma Chi fraternity.

That weekend in Boulder Creek, California produced Omega 1, 2 and 3 (Jack Bourla, Fernando Azevedo and Benjamin Kuhn). Since then, a subsequent class produced Omega 4 and 5 (Christopher Kent and Peter Kevorkian).

These gentlemen are proud members of DSC and lend help whenever possible. We have already seen a few of these brothers assume leadership roles that offer advice, direction and wisdom.

To be a Delt as a graduate is perhaps the ultimate honor that a DC can experience. We take this honor seriously, ferociously when necessary, and with great humility as we are privileged to wear the colors and jewels of this most honorable fraternity.

We look forward to growing this Chapter and providing seasoned experience to DSC.

When we say “It’s Great To Be A Delt,” we mean it. No other distinction in chiropractic can equal that of being a Delt.


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