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Why Consider our Fraternity
as a Chiropractor?

Some Advantages:
Invest Your Time in the Present and Future of Chiropractic
Access Shared Information
Resource Diverse Learning Opportunities
Participate in the Mission, Purpose, and Values of DSC
“Who We Are” calls to you because it is “Who You Are”
We Can Accomplish More Together Than Any One of Us Alone
Support the Founding Principles of Chiropractic

Some Basic Questions:
Will it take time?  Yes
Will it cost money?  Yes
Will it affect my Family Life negatively?  Only if you let it
Will my family be welcome?  Absolutely
Will it benefit my Office?  Only if you let it
Will I be with some people I don’t like?  Good Possibility
Will my growth personally be painful?  Sometimes it will
Will it be a life-long commitment?  Yes
Will you tell me I will like / love everything about it?  No
Will it be worth it?  More than you can imagine

If this is of interest to you, there is an annual intensified pledging for graduate chiropractors over a period of four days.  You will be exposed to an overview of the History, Philosophy, Science and Art of Chiropractic and the values and mission of Delta Sigma Chi.

Contact the Grand Council of Delta Sigma Chi International Chiropractic Fraternity for complete details or to learn more about Pledging as a graduate Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.).

Apply Now