Why Consider our Fraternity?
Some Advantages:
Create Study Groups with Like Minds
Learn the Philosophical & Historical Developments of Chiropractic
Gain Insight to all Stages of the Academics and Practice of Chiropractic
Experience the Dynamic of Group Process
Develop Social Skills
Understand Multiple Perspectives
Resource Diverse Learning Opportunities
Access Shared Information
Develop Leadership Skills
Prepare for Practice with Successful Alumni
Network Practice Opportunities
Some Basic Questions:
Will it take time? Yes
Will it cost money? Yes
Will it affect my grades? Only if you let it
Will my family be welcome? Absolutely
Will I be with some people I don’t like? Good Possibility
Will my growth personally be painful? Sometimes it will
Will you tell me I will like / love everything about it? No
Will it be worth it? More than you can imagine
Contact someone at your school for complete details or to learn more about Pledging, if your school doesn’t have a Chapter, contact the Grand Council of Delta Sigma Chi International Chiropractic Fraternity and we will help you organize one at your school.