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History of Gamma Chapter (Inactive)

On Saturday evening, October 8, 1921 a group of thirteen men met in the offices of the Texas Chiropractic College, San Antonio, Texas, for the purpose of organizing the Gamma Chapter of the Delta Sigma Chi Fraternity. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Rychman of Yoakum, Texas, who acted as temporary chairman and presided during the entire meeting. The initiation ceremonial was held and the initiated were as follows: Mr. C. B. Loftin, Mr. T. C. Ringiner, Mr. D. E. Sneed, Mr. A. G. Livingston, Mr. C. C. Williams, Mr. R. A. Smothers, Mr. Drosser and Mr. R. E. Schiefelbein. The men administering the initiation were members of Alpha Chapter, Davenport, Iowa were as follows: Dr. Drain, Dr. Weiser, Dr. Weiant, Dr. Davis and Dr. Rychman. After the ceremonial, the oath was administered to the neophytes, and officers were then elected as follows: President, R. E. Schiefelbein; Vice President, D. E. Sneed; Secretary, R. A. Smothers; Treasurer, C. B. Loftin. Board of Directors: T. C. Ringiner, Drosser, C. C. Williams, A. G. Livingston and R. A. Smothers. The meeting was adjourned.

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